The Employer Identification Number, also known as EIN, is business tax-identification number that the IRS provides to a potential business owner at no cost. But the owner must apply for the number before it is provided.
The process of applying for it is simple. All it takes to begin the process is provide the IRS with information about your business. As long as the business would be located in the United States, you live in the country and have a valid Social Security Number, you are eligible to apply for EIN.
If and when you want to apply for EIN, Necomitt Financial Services can help. We guide our clients to knowing everything they need to know about the application process.
The SS-4 form bears information of the application requirements and the steps you would take to answer questions on it in progressive steps. You will need to provide answers to the following major questions:
- What is your business type?
- What state in the U.S. do you live in?
- Would you ready or not to file annual employer income tax return?
After you will have answered all the questions on the application form, we recommend you submit it by mail, fax, or online three days prior to the deadline for submission, as system often malfunctioned due to high volume of last-minute submissions.
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