Our Services

Tax Consulting Services

Tax Consulting Services

EIN application

The Employer Identification Number, also known as EIN, is business tax-identification number that the IRS provides to a potential business owner at no cost. But the owner must apply for the number before it is provided.

Business consultation

Forming A Business Understanding LLCs, S-Corps, & C-Corps Which one is right for your business? LLC An LLC is short for a Limited Liability Company. This is a legal entity that protects a person’s personal assets. An LLC is best for someone who is running a simple business or doing freelance work. When your earnings total out to be as much or less than you would be making at a company with similar wages, you choose an LLC because you don’t have the ability to save money on taxes S-Corp S-Corp is short for S Corporation. This is a tax
Small Business Tax Services
Personal Tax Services

Business formation

If and when you want to start an LLC, S-Corp, or C-Corp, Necomitt Financial Services can assist by collaborating with you to register it and choose the business structure that would be right for you, hassle-free.

Small business taxes

Starting a small business can be a tricky and stressful endeavor. But it does not have to be. Necomitt Financial Services can file your income taxes for you, so that you may focus on running your business while we handle the everyday financial aspects of your business.
Tax Planning Services

Book keeping and account

Our tax professionals at Necomitt Financial Services are committed to providing you with the best services available in the market. And so, if you entrust us with handling the accounting of your finances, be rest assured that with our knowledge of and expertise in corporate account management we will provide you superior service, and you will not have issues in bookkeeping or worry about potential problems of tax fraud.

Welcome to Necomitt Financial Services

At Necomitt Financial Services, we specialize in delivering comprehensive tax filing services to both individuals and businesses. We dedicate our specialist team to simplifying your tax process, ensuring accuracy, and maximizing your deductions. We handle everything from document gathering to final submission.

Why Us?

  • Expert Advice: Our experts are well-versed in the latest tax laws.
  • Customized Service: We offer customized answers to meet your unique tax needs.
  • We prioritize your privacy with our secure processes.
  • Efficient and Accurate: Streamline your tax filing for peace of mind.

Get in contact today to make tax season stress-free. Our team at Necomitt Financial Services is ready to assist you with all your tax preparation needs.